Chemical peeling – popular and effective treatment

Chemical peeling, commonly known as acids, involves applying a suitable acid solution or mixture of acids to the skin. As a result of the procedure, repair processes in the epidermis and dermis are stimulated and the epidermis peels off.

There are many chemical peels on the market that differ in the acid or mix of acids used or the concentration of acids. Individual acids also have different biological properties and the choice of preparation depends on the skin problem and belongs to a cosmetologist or a dermatologist.


The period of autumn, winter and early spring is the perfect time for treatments using chemical peelings. Moderate air temperatures and low solar radiation face favourable conditions for undergoing chemical peelings.

The impact of chemical peelings on the skin can be described as multidirectional. Namely, after performing a series of treatments using appropriately selected chemical peelings, the following are can be observed:


  • reduction of imperfections (blackheads, enlarged pores) and smoothing of the skin surface,
  • reduction of acne lesions, acne scars and inflammatory discolorations,
  • evening out the colour, lightening discolourations and making the skin glow,
  • beneficial thickening of live layers of the epidermis while reduction of excessive stratum corneum,
  • reduction of skin aging symptoms, wrinkle reduction and improvement of skin density and elasticity,
  • cleansing and oxygenation, restoring proper skin functions,
  • increasing the skin absorption of active ingredients from skincare products.



Chemical peeling?For whom? What are the contraindications?

Treatments with the use of chemical peelings are intended for all skin types, however, before the procedure, contraindications should be excluded, which are, among others any bacterial, viral or fungal skin infections, damaged epidermis, treatment with oral retinoids (half a year break), autoimmune skin diseases, inflammation in the body (fever), tanned skin.

Treatment and post-treatment procedures


It is worth preparing the skin for the treatment with chemical peelings. For this purpose, it is recommended to use for a period of about two weeks before the procedure, a product for daily home care, containing a low concentration of acids such as face wash gel, tonic or cream. Treatment with chemical peelings in the salon starts with low concentration preparations and then stronger solutions can be used. Treatments are performed at intervals of two to four weeks and it is recommended to perform a series of 4-6 treatments.

The skin after the procedure is red and irritated. On the second or third day after the procedure, the epidermis begins to peel off, which may take up to about a week after the procedure. In this case, moisturising, soothing and supporting the regeneration of the epidermis should be used. Throughout the treatment, and at least one month after its completion, UVA and UVB, SPF 50 filters should be used, regardless of the season.


In the MEDICOR Clinic of Aesthetic Dermatology and Laser Therapy we have a very wide range of chemical peelings. They contain solutions with pure acids such as salicylic, mandelic, lactic, trichloroacetic (TCA) and solutions containing a mixture of various acids, such as pyruvic + lactic, azelaic + salicylic, glycolic + salicylic, kojic + lactic or Jessner’s fluid ( mixture of salicylic acid, resorcinol and retinol).


As mentioned above, the action of all acids is multidirectional, anti-aging and more or less exfoliating, however, each acid can be assigned some of its special properties:


  • salicylic acid is primarily valued for its anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and comedolytic (acne) properties.
  • mandelic acid for antibacterial, normalising and anti-aging (acne, adult acne, photoaging),
  • lactic – moisturizing and depigmenting (sensitive skin, dry skin, discoloration),
  • TCA – very strong exfoliating, depigmenting and anti-aging effects (discoloration, skin aging, scars),
  • pyruvic – antibacterial and anti-aging (acne, adult acne, photoaging),
  • azelaic – strong antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and depigmenting (acne, rosacea, hyperpigmentation),
  • glycol – anti-aging, moisturising (signs of skin aging, dry skin),
  • koi-depigmentation (discolouration).



After consultation, the cosmetologist qualifies and refers the client for the procedure and recommends the appropriate treatment.


Alicja Iwańska-Dyrcz



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