Baldness (alopecia) treatment with FOTONA laser

Are you worried about hair loss? Do you use supplements, cosmetics and medicines – all with a mediocre effect? Try something new! The latest application of the erb-yag laser in SMOOTH mode gives great hope in the fight against baldness. The painless laser treatment developed by Fotona restores up to 75% of hair density.

The Er: YAG laser in baldness therapy

The Er: YAG laser has proved effective in the non-surgical stimulation of hair growth in patients with androgenetic alopecia. Studies confirm that the 2940 nm wavelength laser wakes up “dormant” hair and stimulates the growth phase. The success of the method allowed the development of a new procedure. American doctors using this method estimate that the therapy gives up to 75% increase in hair density in patients whose baldness started no earlier than 8 years ago. The effects of the therapy were presented at this year’s Laser & Health Academy symposium.

What is androgenetic alopecia? Check if therapy is for you?

Most often, androgenetic alopecia affects men, but it also occurs in women. In women, the hair is thinning from the top of the head, without shifting the facial border. In men, the hair loss process usually begins with the retraction of the facial hair on the forehead and temples. Then the so-called receding hairline that moves backwards. Alopecia also appears on the top of the head (so-called monastic tonsure) and radiates. The Hamilton-Norwood classification distinguishes 7 levels of androgenetic alopecia in men. The last stage is not eligible for laser treatment, where there is only a very narrow strip of hair on the back of the head (occipital follicles are not prone to androgenetic alopecia).

Why do we lose hair?

Part of the hair on the head is hypersensitive to a testosterone derivative called dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Interestingly, testosterone and other hormones are usually normal. DHT attaches to receptors on the hair papilla and reduces the supply of oxygen and energy to the hair follicles. This happens for reasons not entirely known, among which are genetic predispositions and environmental factors. Hair follicles are miniaturised, and the hair they produce is getting thinner and shorter. Over time, the hair turns into a pale, almost invisible fluff, which resembles a peach nap. Then you might think it’s already baldness. Meanwhile, the skin is covered with delicate vellus hair which can be resuscitated. Androgenetic alopecia does not immediately lead to the death of hair follicles as they are at rest for years.

So as long as vellus hair is present (even visible only under a microscope), hair growth can be stimulated.

That is why do not wait until you completely lose your hair. Studies show that even after 8 years from the time the hair follicles are dormant, hair regeneration can be stimulated. Of course, the sooner you start acting, the better your chances are for better results.

How to stimulate hair growth? Fotona Laser does it in three different ways!

Fotona Er: YAG laser treatment in SMOOTH mode has a thermal effect on the skin. It evenly heats its deeper layers to 65 degrees Celsius without affecting the continuity of the epidermis. This gives you three benefits!

  1. Under the influence of thermal shock the blood supply to the “dormant” hair follicles increases. The rapid reaction improves the oxygenation and nutrition of the hair papilla, and the hair follicles gain energy to produce absolutely healthy hair.
  2. Super-strong pulses in SMOOTH mode stimulate the release of growth factors (TGFB3 and EGF). This is also of great importance for producing good quality hair.
  3. Er: YAG laser treatment improves epidermal regeneration. Accelerated exchange of epidermal cells causes the hair follicles to regenerate and grow faster, being weakened by androgens.

What does the treatment look like?

  • You report for a treatment with freshly washed hair.
  • The treated area i.e. where thining hair occurs is divided into smaller areas, especially if it is separated by densely growing hair.
  • In the case of more severe baldness (grades IV-VI), the procedure lasts about 15 minutes, baldness stages II and III require more time due to the need for combing the hair.
  • The laser beam takes a series of painless shots. Each transition is performed in a two-way smooth motion. Depending on the type of equipment, such passes are made 4-6 in each designated area.
  • After the procedure the patient should moisturise the head using moisturising shampoos or, for example, using a hyaluronic acid serum. After laser therapy, the skin may be dry and flaky.

Is the treatmenf painful? Post-treatment feelings

Because the Er: YAG laser in SMOOTH mode is non-ablative, there is no break in the epidermis. The treatment is painless, does not require cooling or anaesthesia. Some patients may experience short-term urticaria (about half an hour after the treatment) that passes in one day. An antihistamine is then given before subsequent treatments. Only some patients report that the scalp is more tender when washing hair on the day of the procedure. Most, however, experience short-term scaling of the scalp (most often 2-3 days after the treatment), which results from accelerated epidermal regeneration.

Scheme of laser hair loss therapy

The basic therapy of baldness Er: YAG FOTONA in SMOOTH mode consists of 4 treatments every 2-3 weeks. In some people it is advisable to perform 1-2 additional repetitions every 2-4 weeks. Then, one-time booster treatments are recommended every 6-12 months.

Safety of the procedure

Er: YAG Fotona lasers are equipped with VSP (Variable Square Pulse) technology. “Square laser pulses” supervise the safety of treatments, eliminating slow increases and long drops in the power of laser pulses. Thanks to this, only the necessary dose of energy reaches the skin, without the risk of burns.

In SMOOTH mode, laser energy is delivered to tissues in a fast sequence of low-fluence laser pulses within an overall super-long pulse lasting several hundred milliseconds. The frequency of repetition of pulses in the sequence is set at the optimal level for non-ablative skin treatments.
Hair growth treatments – more and more needed!

Androgenetic alopecia affects approximately 50% of women and as much as 96% of white men during their lifetime. The American Hair Loss Association reports that over 66% of men experience hair loss around the age of 35. Although there are also men who begin to lose hair immediately after puberty. 40% of women with the problem of hair thinning implement treatment. As a result, hundreds of millions of people around the world are looking for ways to stop baldness. In the US, up to 80 million people are concerned about hair loss. It is estimated that the global market for combating baldness is growing at a rate of over 5% per year and will be worth over $ 12 billion in 2025 (report by Grand View Research Inc.).


Before the treatment

after the second treatment

during a follow-up visit

Before the treatment

after the second treatment

during a follow-up visit


Contact details

MEDICOR Clinic of Aesthetic Dermatology and Laser Therapy
6/5 Rakowicka Street, 31-511 Krakow

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