CO2 Laser – Revitalisation and rejuvenation of the skin

The treatment in brief:

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Indications for the treatment:


Principle of fractional CO2 laser

The fractional CO2 laser is an ablation laser. What does this mean in practice and how does the fractional CO2 laser work?

The light emitted by the CO2 laser affects the epidermis and penetrates deep into the dermis and is absorbed by the water contained in the tissue. Water, absorbing the energy of light emitted by the laser, is heated to a high temperature which causes thermal damage to the tissue in the place where it was located.

On the other hand, the term “fractional” means that not the entire tissue surface is damaged, but the laser damages the tissue by creating columns of damage surrounded by healthy, intact tissue. Such a scheme, fractional tissue damage by a laser, results in a rapid process of skin regeneration after surgery as fragments of intact tissue are the “reservoir” of factors necessary for rapid tissue regeneration. Thermal tissue damage as a result of the laser’s effect is aimed at stimulating such processes in the skin as, among others, the synthesis of new collagen and elastin fibers and hyaluronic acid.

An additional element of the laser’s operation is ablation i.e. evaporation of the epidermis. Thus, the process of exfoliation of the skin as a result of the CO2 laser treatment additionally strengthens and accelerates the effects of the treatment.

Ablation of the epidermis causes, to a greater or lesser extent, a wound on the face i.e. a delicate “scab” is formed on the surface of the skin, which then peels off within a few days. Therefore, ablative CO2 laser treatment requires a longer recovery period, however, the effects are incomparably better than in the case of non-ablative lasers.

Fracional CO2 laser – application

The above-mentioned principles of operation of the fractional CO2 laser make this laser useful in treatments such as:


The reason for the loss of firmness, elasticity of the skin, drooping of the face and formation of wrinkles is a disorder of the structure and the degeneration of collagen and elastin fibers as well as hyaluronic acid in the dermis. The “damage columns” formed at the level of the dermis, as a result of laser light, are an impulse for the process of rebuilding and remodelling the collagen and elastin fiber mesh. The process of tissue remodelling and repair of places damaged as a result of the laser’s operation takes place quickly and naturally due to the fact that the damage in the tissue is surrounded by healthy and intact tissue. The treatment also causes ablation (evaporation) of the epidermis, which enhances the effect of rejuvenation and revitalisation, giving the effect of smooth skin. The effect of the treatment is therefore more tense and firmer skin as well as with a smoother and even surface and colour.

Reduction of enlarged pores

The problem of widened sebaceous gland outlets, i.e. enlarged pores, concerns mainly oily and combination skins. For these skins, this problem also increases as the skin ages. The enlarged pores are unsightly, give the impression of uneven skin and are also a place where gland secretions accumulate – tallow, which in turn leads to the formation of blackheads. The treatment with the use of fractional CO2 laser leads to ablation (evaporation) of the epidermis. As a result of the treatment, we obtain a smoother and even skin surface, and the sebaceous glands are narrowing.

Reduction of scars

A scar is a change that affects the epidermis and dermis. With the help of a fractional laser we can deal with all types of scars, but in particular with hypertrophic or atrophic scars. In the case of hypertrophic scars, as a result of damage to the dermis, defects occur in it, which are replaced by tissue different from normal. On the other hand, atrophic scars are dents and cavities in the dermis that are most often the result of acne or smallpox. Their formation has a different mechanism than in the case of hypertrophic scars. Processes caused by the fractional laser, damage so-called “Damage columns” formed in the dermis, lead to the stimulation of the synthesis of normal skin collagen and reconstruction of the dermis structures. In addition, ablation (evaporation) as a result of the fractional CO2 laser removes the upper layers of the skin and stimulates repair processes in the epidermis itself. As a result of these actions, the scars are leveled or the damaged tissue is remodelled, the skin surface is even, and in the case of atrophic scars, they are reduced.

Reduction of stretch marks

Stretch marks are formed on the skin as a result of collagen and elastin fiber rupture. At the initial stage of their formation they are red and slightly convex and then the defects are replaced by scar tissue, they go into the atrophic phase, as a result of which they become light, slightly concave strands. Thus, stretch marks are atrophic scars. Fractional CO2 laser treatment, as described above in the case of scars, leads to the stimulation of collagen and elastin fiber synthesis, reconstruction of the dermis structure at stretch marks and ablation (evaporation) of the cells of the surface layer of the skin. The result is thinner and much less visible stretch marks.



Contact details

MEDICOR Clinic of Aesthetic Dermatology and Laser Therapy
6/5 Rakowicka Street, 31-511 Krakow

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