Relaxing massage

Indications for the procedure


The main aim of a relaxing massage is to calm the body and effectively relax the patient. It is an excellent and highly recommended form of therapy for almost everyone. The effect is reduction of muscle and nervous tension, a relaxed mind, and a feeling of complete relaxation as well as a reduction in stress levels.

When to go for a relaxing massage?

This type of massage is recommended especially in states of physical and mental fatigue. If we decide on long-term sports effort or experience stressful situations or have hard days at work, relaxing massage will be the perfect choice. The treatment is very gentle and non-invasive. It is performed in a calm, relaxing atmosphere that allows you to forget about some problems and fully relax and wind down.

The effects of a relaxing massage

In addition to making us feel relaxed and composed, relaxing massage also affects many aspects of the way our body works. Massages allow:

  • eliminating pain – that’s why they are recommended after injuries or supportive, e.g. during rehabilitation after accidents,
  • improving metabolism – accelerates the process of burning unnecessary fat,
  • improving blood supply to the body – guarantees the expansion of capillaries, and thus preventing the formation of venous blood clots,
  • stimulating the lymphatic system – allows you to remove toxins from the body faster and strengthens immunity.

What does a relaxing massage look like?

Relaxing massage can occur in the form of a holistic massage, i.e. covering all parts of the body from the feet to the neck, or focusing on one or several parts of the body. Very often a relaxing massage is performed around the neck, back, legs, spine.

There are many techniques during the procedure. Mostly, masseurs gradually increase pressure and tension by applying:

  • stroking – it usually starts and ends the massage and has a relaxing effect
  • kneading – it improves tissue blood supply
  • rubbing – it reduces swelling and deposits
  • patting the edge of the hand or the whole hand – it stimulates blood supply

The movements during the massage are smooth and slow, thanks to which patients can freely be introduced into a state of relaxation.

Who is the relaxing massage for?

The procedure is recommended for people who are struggling with such ailments as: insomnia, lack of energy, chronic fatigue, prolonged stress, feeling of muscle tensio or nervous hyperactivity.

With the  help of specialists from the Medicor clinic, you will clear your body and mind, restoring harmony and inner peace. Relaxing massage is a safe procedure, therefore there are no contraindications to its use. However, it is worth consulting a doctor or therapist if we have any doubts.

The procedure is performed by

  • Katarzyna Maliszewska – physiotherapist

    Master's degree in physiotherapy and manual therapist. A graduate of the Medical University of Lublin. Already during the MA studies she cooperated with the Association dealing in the therapy of children with extensive neurological dysfunctions and related developmental disorders.

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Contact details

MEDICOR Clinic of Aesthetic Dermatology and Laser Therapy
6/5 Rakowicka Street, 31-511 Krakow

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